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The Police Athletic League staff members share a dedication to youth and a commitment to improving our community. These servant leaders share their spirit of service with the PAL kids.


Executive Director

Matt Tomasic founded the Police Athletic League of KCK in 2018, and has been the executive director since then. Born and raised in the Strawberry Hill neighborhood of Kansas City, Kansas where the PAL KCK is located, Matt recently served on the Kansas City Missouri police force for 23 years. During his time on the police force, he played a central role in the Westside Community Action Network, which established strong relationships between police officers and the communities they serve and produced significant reductions in crime and gang activity in urban areas.

P.J. Locke
KCK Police Officer

Officer Locke is a Kansas City, KS police officer assigned to the Police Chief's Office and working at the PAL. P.J. leads many youth programs here, including outdoor recreation, hunting/fishing, archery, gun safety and marksmanship and summer camps.

Joey Reyes

KCK Police Officer

Officer Reyes is a Kansas City, KS police officer assigned to the Police Chief's Office and working at the PAL. He helps with the innovative and successful PAL Drivers' Education program for KCK youth.

Rodney Boston

KCK Police Officer

Officer Boston is a Kansas City, KS police officer with extensive experience as a liaison with youth in area high schools. At the PAL, Rodney is a Driver's Ed instructor, fitness coach and youth mentor.

Libby Knox

Director of Philanthropy

Libby leads our partnerships with philanthropic families, corporations, civic groups and foundations, and ensures that the PAL's programs are well-supported and sustained by a growing number of contributors.

Dragica Butkovich

Garden Program

Dragica immigrated to Kansas City, KS from Croatia and brought her organic gardening skills with her. She now tends to the PAL's expansive garden and shares Old-World recipes with PAL children learning to plant, harvest and cook what they grow.

Vanessa Ardon

Art Program

As an art instructor at the PAL, Vanessa helps kids expand their imaginations by working with clay and other media, including sewing,  painting and drawing. An award-winning artist, Vanessa enjoys painting, drawing and making costumes.

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