Ngi Tun, 2023 PAL Graduate
If you've ever visited the PAL, chances are you've met PAL regular, Ngi Tun.
A dedicated PAL kid since our doors opened in 2019, Ngi spent many evenings at the PAL, participating in fitness/boxing, gun safety, hunter's education and fishing.
He also was in the inaugural class of the PAL's pioneering Driver's Ed program, earning his Kansas permit and license in exchange for community service.
With the PAL’s support, he graduated high school and has since started his career right here in KCK, working for the UG Public Works department.
Ngi Tun, a 2023 graduate of the PAL, is now working full-time
for the UG Water Pollution Control unit of the UG Public Works Department.
Ngi found a second home at the PAL, immersing himself in developing new skills in a variety of PAL programs.
Having made big adjustments to a new community with his family's frequent moves, Ngi forged new relationships with police officers who helped him navigate teenage life. This provided Ngi with stability and trusted resources that helped him make friends and set a great example for his peers.
Ngi earned his high school diploma and credits the PAL for helping him along the way. Every day after school, he would come to the PAL to work on his homework assignments, where he received tutoring from Officer Locke and other PAL mentors.
"Ngi worked really hard to graduate," explains Officer Locke, who attended Ngi's high school graduation.
Today, Ngi continues to work at the PAL in the evenings, coordinating Community Service projects for the students in the PAL Driver's Education program.
You'll see him leading groups of PAL kids serving meals, cleaning up common areas, and welcoming visitors to the PAL.
Hundreds of youth just like Ngi come to the PAL each year (we expect about 1,200 in 2024) seeking stability, safety, friendship and mentoring. We are fortunate to have the support of community members who help us offer our programs and services completely free for all youth.
Please consider
supporting the PAL financially or in a volunteer role, and you can experience the satisfaction of helping to lift up young people like Ngi, and a community like ours.
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